ubuntu xnviewmp
ubuntu xnviewmp


Ubuntu 用get

2019年5月6日—Ubuntu用get-fast安裝XnViewMP·1.安裝apt-fast工具.$sudoadd-apt-repositoryppa:saiarcot895/myppa·2.配置apt-fast(Configuringapt-fast).選 ...

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How to Install XnView MP 0.84 on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

XnView is a media browser that is used for image management. This guide explains all the required steps to install XnView MP on Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux Mint 20.

How To Install XnView MP on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install XnView MP on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, as well as some extra required packages by XnView.

How To Install XnViewMP In Ubuntu

In this tutorial I will show you how to install a cross-platform media browser, viewer and converter in your Ubuntu machine. It is called XnViewMP and is ...

How to install XnViewMP in Ubuntu 18.04 and later

2018年5月2日 — Download and install the XnView MP deb file from the XnView Homepage. Although there were problems in Ubuntu 16.10, the newer versions (XnViewMP ...

How to install XnViewMP on Ubuntu 18.04 [duplicate]

2019年6月4日 — Download the .deb file (64 bit) from the XnViewMP website https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/#downloads. Double click in it in your file ...

How To

2022年12月5日 — Today's article is going to do exactly what it says in the headline, it's going to show you how to install XnView MP on Ubuntu.

installation of xnview mp on Ubuntu 23.04

2023年5月14日 — When trying to install XnViewMP-linux-x64.deb on Ubuntu 23.04 I get the following error message: dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern ...

Powerful Image Viewer· XnView MP

XnView MP is a versatile and powerful photo viewer, image management, image resizer. XnView is one of the most stable, easy-to-use, and comprehensive photo ...

Ubuntu 用get

2019年5月6日 — Ubuntu 用get-fast 安裝XnViewMP · 1.安裝apt-fast工具. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/myppa · 2.配置apt-fast(Configuring apt-fast). 選 ...

在Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS上安装XnView Multi Platform图片 ...

2016年11月21日 — XnView Multi Platform是一个全平台(Windows, Linux, Mac)下的全能图片工具,类似Windows平台的美图看看,阿香婆图片浏览器等等,效果非常赞,是我 ...


XnViewisamediabrowserthatisusedforimagemanagement.ThisguideexplainsalltherequiredstepstoinstallXnViewMPonUbuntu20.04andLinuxMint20.,Inthistutorial,wewillshowyouhowtoinstallXnViewMPonUbuntu22.04LTS,aswellassomeextrarequiredpackagesbyXnView.,InthistutorialIwillshowyouhowtoinstallacross-platformmediabrowser,viewerandconverterinyourUbuntumachine.ItiscalledXnViewMPandis ...,2018年5月2日—Downloadand...

XnView 2.52.1 免費的看圖軟體、影像轉檔專家

XnView 2.52.1 免費的看圖軟體、影像轉檔專家
